Be a “Friend”

The FOLP Board has a goal of having at least 200 “Friends” contribute $100 or more in annual support each year. We are working toward that goal, but need more “Friends” to support the FOLP work. The Friends of Lafayette-Pointer Park is a 501(c)(3) non-profit neighborhood organization run by volunteers. All donations are tax-deductible.


Become a “Friend” & Supporter. You may make a tax-deductible donation either by using PayPal, clicking the button below, or by mailing a check to the address below.

Thank you!!

  1) Donate by PayPal:    


2) Mail a check payable to:

               Friends of Lafayette-Pointer Park, Treasurer, P.O. Box 6221, Washington, DC 20015

With your donations we are able to provide the following.

  • Landscaping & Maintenance of Perimeter Gardens.  They are not city-maintained, and volunteers need assistance from hired labor.  And to purchase plants or replace trees.
  • Continue to work with city officials to complete the unfinished work in the aftermath of  major construction projects at the school and in the park.
  • General park maintenance the city does not do.

Donations are the FOLP’s primary source of revenue and we exercise careful discretion how these funds are used for the park. We have a limited budget, and we rely on volunteers to help keep costs down; and we accomplish a lot with few resources.

The FOLP relies on our neighbors to volunteer their time and materials to help achieve our garden beautification goals. Many of the most striking elements of the park landscape have been sourced from donors such as the Casey Foundation and planted by volunteers from the community. Volunteer gardeners have worked countless hours over the years maintaining the perimeter gardens along Quesada Street, 33rd Street and Broad Branch Road. The FOLP  organizes two Clean-Up Days in the park each year — one in the Spring and one in the Fall. We welcome your continued support and thank you for helping us in our effort to preserve the treasure that is Lafayette-Pointer Park.

       The Friends of Lafayette-Pointer Park (FOLP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization dedicated since 1999 to maintaining and improving Lafayette-Pointer Park.

Donate by PayPal: